We are able to offer General Liability policies for both truck brokers and truckers. Limits available are:
a) $1,000,000 any one occurrence/
$1,000,000 annual aggregate
b) $1,000,000 any one occurrence/
$2,000,000 annual aggregate
In conjunction with the General Liability, we are able to offer Truck Brokers Errors & Omissions Coverage.
Limits available are:
a) $100,000 any one loss
b) $250,000 any one loss
c) $500,000 any one loss
d) $1,000,000 any one loss
The Truck Brokers General Liability policy will include a Designated Premises Limitation Endorsement.
Cont Auto, Cont Cargo, GL, BC, PL and S&P Buyback (pdf)